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Gîte Troyes

D-444, Ferme de la Creuse

Port : 06 28 45 14 13


06 28 45 14 13

Version Française
Logo Domaine de la Creuse
Illustration Domaine de la Creuse

The countryside just outside the city


Located at the southern exit of Troyes ( 10 minutes from the historic center ), the Domaine de la Creuse has the advantage to enjoy the soothing calm of the Champagne countryside , while being connected to the motorways of the region ( 3 minutes from the exit N ° 21 of the A5 - itself within 3 minutes of the A26).


Ideal starting point for visiting Troyes, you will enjoy its rich history, cultural or gastronomic, but also its shopping outlets, located 7 minutes . Without having to re-cross the town, you will also be on the right direction (RN 77 or D444 ) to reach the tourist route of Champagne, and Essoyes, life place of the painter Renoir.

To find us easier, please enter FERME DE LA CREUSE MOUSSEY on your gps.


Finally, note that the GPS position is N 48 ° 13,255 '/ E 004 ° 07,071 ' .